I/Drone Logbook

I/Drone Logbook

Le carnet de vol, I/Drone Logbook ® est le premier carnet de vol spécialement conçu pour les besoins des opérateurs de drones (SATP) canadiens. I/Drone Montréal a conçu ce carnet de bord spécialement pour les pilotes et les exploitants de systèmes d’aéronefs télépilotés (SATP) afin de planifier et de suivre tous les détails de vol essentiels conformément aux exigences de la nouvelle section du RAC 901.48 de Transports Canada.

Avec l’I/Drone Logbook ® , vous pourrez enregistrer 80 entrées de vol, 260 charges de batterie et 60 rapports de maintenance. Donc, ce n’est pas simplement un journal de vol, c’est aussi un journal de maintenance!

Achetez-le maintenant sur Amazon.ca !

The I/Drone Logbook ® is the first and only entirely bilingual flight log uniquely designed for the needs of drone operators in Canada. I/Drone Montréal Inc. designed this log book specifically for pilots and operators of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) to plan and track all critical flight details as per the new requirement of the CAR Section 901.48 by Transport Canada. Keep track of your aircraft, your flights logs, your battery charges and your maintenance records with the I/Drone Logbook ®.

With this book, you can record 80 Flight log entries, 260 battery charges, and 60 maintenance reports. So, this isn’t just a flight log, it’s a maintenance logbook as well!

The I/Drone Logbook ® allows you to log your personal flight data in an easy-to-use, easy-to-carry format. Bottom line: using the I/Drone Logbook ® makes it easy to demonstrate that you are an experienced and properly trained RPAS pilot who takes a professional approach to your flying operations.

Get it now on Amazon.ca !